Thursday, March 17, 2011

You could be breaking the law and you don't even know it...

If you have ever taken a bike ride then you have probably broken the law and never even realized it. Most people dont realize that a bicycle is legally considerd a vehicle. There are many laws in place to keep bicyclists who are oparating these vehicles safe. Im not talking about wearing your helmet, everyone knows about that law. And that law may have actualy saved my life when I crashed on my bike and broke my jaw when was young. Luckily, my mom always made me wear my helmet. Wearing your helmet is not the only law you have to follow when bike riding though. You may not be obeying these laws simply because you are not aware of them. I know I have broken almost every one, for example, it is against the law in the state of Florida to listen to headphones while riding a bike. Bicyclists are also required by law to always have at least one hand on the handle bars at all times and they must obey all traffic controls and signals, including stop signs. So yesterday when I rode my bike to my friends house I had no idea that i should have been looking over my shoulder for a cop when i was breaking all three of these laws. I was riding with no hands, listening to my ipod, and I probably ran at least 4 stop signs. I could have actually been given a moving violation citation for running those stop signs! Some more laws include; you must signal before turning, if riding at night you must have a light on your bike, and you must yield to the ride of way to pedestrians. These are only a few of Florida's bicycle laws. If you are worried about breaking these laws you can find out all the details at

1 comment:

  1. I liked this article a lot because it was interesting because i didn't know that there was so many law for people on bikes!
