Thursday, March 17, 2011

More about my accident

When researching I was suprised to find that a broken jaw is the tenth most common fractured bone in the human body. Things that may cause a fractured or broken jaw are motor vehicle accidents, assaults, falls, or sports associated injuries such as a bike crash. Another could be your doctor or your dentist! Oral Surgeons/Dentists will sometimes intentionally fracture your jaw  in order to align them to the proper position. This controlled fracture is done with the saws and chisels. After the bone are separated they are realigned and screwed together in the new position with titanium plates. The mouth is then also wired shut to allow for the bone to heal.that would suck to have your jaw intentionally fractured!! Luckily I didn't have to have a controlled fracture done to my jaw and i didn't have to have my jaw wired shut either. My jaw was fractured on both sides and i had to get stiches, but my jaw did not have to be wired shut. Even though my jaw was not wired shut, i still couldnt open my mouth hardly at all. It sucked because on christmas eve and on christmas day i could not eat ham or any of my other favorite holiday foods that my family cooks every year! All i could do was drink from a straw so my mom made me milk shakes at home on christmas eve and all of my aunts and uncles brought me milk shakes on christmas day. My face was swollen for weeks and i couldnt eat anything but soup, pudding, and milkshakes and soft stuff like that for over a month. This picture that i posted was taken on christmas eve, one days after i fell and got my stitches. You can see that my face is so swollen. You can also see that the cut on my chin was pretty bad and i had a busted lip. I still have a scar from it.

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