Thursday, February 10, 2011

another bike crash!

I'm not a great athlete, but I've been doing mini (or sprint) triathlons for several years to keep in shape. I enjoy every aspect of it! The training makes me feel fit and healthy, and the events themselves are great fun! So... one afternoon I was nearing the end of my 12 mile bike loop. I was riding on a straight road and going about 17 mph into a pretty stiff wind. I was focused on my pedaling and trying to put a bit more energy into making a good time. All of the sudden, I saw a white van in front of me! And that's where my memory ends. The van had come from the opposite direction and turned left directly in front of me. I rode my bike straight into it with my face leading the way. I smashed into it and broke my jaw and nearly tore my ear off. There were many other sore and badly bruised places - but the jaw and ear were the worst. After five days in the hospital and two surgeries, I came home with my mouth wired shut. -ellen garto


  1. Wow this reminds me of Big Bad Brandon !! As well as your last post this story has also changed my life. People need to be more careful on their stupid bikes. I think it's disgusting how his ear nearly almost fell off. I guess that's your consequences of riding a bike without a seat belt.

  2. I think you should have wrote how you felt about this and gave a little more. But its kind of crazy the things that can happen. People should really pay more attention.

  3. i know i could have wrote more its just hard because you cant just look up your life and what happened online you know?
