Tuesday, February 1, 2011

jaw breaker.

Welcome to Dees blog! My blog is about when I was nine years old I broke my jaw two days before Christmas, me and my friend Justin Phillips were waiting for me to go to a party that someone we knew was throwing for christmas. so we got bored like a usual little kid would. So we were going to race around the block one of us was just going to go around the block, and the other one was just going to run to the other stop sign. I was on a bike and he wasn’t allowed to go around the block that late at night so I was the one that went around the block on my bike. So we were off there I went as fast as I can and I was coming around their first corner and I hit white sand on my front tire and it slid out from under me and bam!! I hit chin first and I felt and herd my jaw snap sideways then blackness. When I became conscience   Justin was carrying me and dragging my bike behind us he was crying too. I looked down and my white shirt was no longer white blood was everywhere all over me all over Justin on the street and on my bike .the walk felt like it took twenty minutes then I get to my house and my mom I guess had been looking for me she was at the screen door waiting for me. Then she saw me and started screaming she went next door and talked to Justin’s mom and asked her if she thought I needed stitches and the answer was a definite yes. My mom and dad rushed me to the hospital and I was put in the O.R . and I got eleven stitches in my chin and my jaw was fractured on both side the doctor said that if the crack was just a hair bigger I would have had to have my jaw wired shut.


  1. Wow, Andrew. My life has completely changed after reading this tragic story. I now know to watch out for the piles of white sand when I ride my bike around the block. If I hadnt read this I could have gotten myself into some serious trouble. So basically I am not complementing your writing, I am simply thanking you for saving my jaw. Your experience has helped many children around the world. I hope you feel blessed for what you did, and that you are still alive.

  2. im so glad that i have saved you jaw and possiably you life lol!!
